For your convenience, our most common questions are answered right here.

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Q: What is Math4Fun?

A: Math4Fun is an extra-curricular math club at EIB-Grenelle for students in CP through CM2.  The purpose of Math4Fun is for EIB- Grenelle students to build math confidence using Beast Academy, an interactive learning website where kids play fun games to practice critical thinking.  We decided to use Beast Academy because it was also created for the purpose of sharing a love of math.

Q: When is it?

A: Math4Fun is Monday and Tuesdays immediately after school until 5:30 pm.  

Q: Where are Math4Fun sessions held?

A: At EIB-Grenelle, in the lab (or other classroom if the lab is in use.) After school, the students are released straight from their classroom to the Lab in school, parents don’t need to be present at pick up. If you need to pick up your child early, come on in! If you get off work a little earlier than expected and want to see what your child is up to, please stop in! Parents are ALWAYS welcome.

Q:  How does it work?

A:  Math4Fun is a parent-led extracurricular activity at EIB-Grenelle. It was founded in the 2023-2024 school year and had such great success that it is coming back in 2024-2025.

Students start the session using Beast Academy to explicitly learn an age and level-appropriate math skill from the founder of Beast Academy, Richard Rusczynk, and then the students immediately practice the skill in an interactive way. Approximately 30 minutes after all students have arrived, the entire class transitions to math-based group activities.

This is an opportunity for students to share what they have learned with each other, bring new knowledge to the table, and collaboratively solve puzzles and play games.

It is energetic and fun! The students love it, they love playing games with their friends and parents, and they love the challenge of working really hard to learn something new.

Q:  What is Beast Academy?

A:  Beast Academy is an interactive learning website created by Richard Rusczyk where kids play fun games to practice critical thinking.

  • Kids practice reasoning and the underlying math concepts, not memorizing methods.
  • It is self-paced so students can progress as quickly as they like.
  • Beast Academy can be used at home or at math club.

It does NOT replace math curriculum in the classroom.
Try it out here! (Please use a tablet or a computer.)

Q: Is there a teacher? Who is it?

A: Math4Fun will continue in the 2024-2025 school year led by the CM1/CM2 English teacher at EIB-Grenelle, Christine Stoneman. Parent participation is still necessary and important.

Q: Why do I need to register through HelloAsso?  Why can’t I register on Eduka like all the other extra-curricular activities at school?

A: Math4Fun is parent-led and not-for-profit.  Students pay 100 euros for the year instead of 700+ euros for extra-curricular activities through the school.  It is a substantial difference!  The school supports the club because when one child has a positive attitude about math, every child benefits.  100% of fees collected by Math4Fun goes straight back to the students.  Funds are used to buy licenses (the vast majority of the cost,) pay for a teacher to lead the group (the second most expensive cost,) purchase awards for the students, buy math manipulatives for the lab, etc.

Q: What does it mean to be parent-led?

A: We have a teacher present, but the club is an opportunity for parents to be involved in their child’s learning – in a really positive and fun way! It is NOT like doing homework.

We welcome parents to stop in for a whole session, part of a session, to help out, or to ask questions. Every child absolutely beams when their parents participate!

Because the class is almost free (100€ instead of the cost of other extra-curricular activities at 700€) we ask that parents volunteer for a minimum of 4 sessions. If you absolutely can’t help at any school sessions all year, please contact us. We can work it out!

Q: What language is it in?

A: Beast Academy is in English. The teacher and parent volunteers can translate into French, when necessary, but the club is predominantly led in English and the games offer instructions and word problems in English only.

Q: What if my child is under 6 years old?

A: If your child is under 6 years old Math4Fun at EIB-Grenelle will be open to him or her when your child is enters CP.  In the meantime, please check out other offerings at

Q: Can I try it before I commit?

A: Of course! Just email us and we will get you an account login. You can also try the demo here.

Q: How to enroll?

A: Please sign up here. We will contact you with login information and include you in club correspondence. Your subscription includes access to the Math4Fun club meetings as well as one license to Beast Academy.

Q:  What if I can’t help out as a parent?

A: Please contact us. There are other participation opportunities. BUT… it is WAY better if parents can join. We know you work hard and that it is very difficult to be at school by 4:30 in the afternoon, but it is a great opportunity for you to spend time with your child.

Q: What if I want to help out more?

A: Please join us! Anytime! Parents are always welcome, and your child is extremely excited to have you join us! You don’t need to RSVP or bring anything other than your smiling face. We can’t stress how important it is to have parent participation. Join us for the whole session, part of the session, or just swing by to say hi.

Q: How does my child earn awards?

A: Kids LOVE awards. They are really motivating and help the kids to feel confident. So, we try to have lots of diverse awards to reflect both merit, attitude, and effort. Awards can be for most lessons completed (of any level), positive attitude, helpful behavior, effort, etc. If you think of an award idea, please let us know.

Q: Can my child continue using Beast Academy at home?

A: Absolutely! We strongly encourage kids to continue playing the games and doing the lessons at home. Their login works anywhere that you have internet access on a tablet or computer. Sadly, the program does not work on a phone.

Q: Do I need to provide my child with a tablet?

A: No. EIB – Grenelle has graciously allowed Math4Fun to use the tablets in the lab during math club sessions. Parents do not need to provide a tablet for their child to attend Math4Fun. If students would like to access their Beast Academy account at home, they absolutely can! However, parents will need to provide a tablet or computer for their student to use at home. At this time tablets are not available to check out from the school.